English words with definitions. List 3
Words used in Spelling Bee. Beginner level. Words that starts with: M to P
Macabre is gruesome and horrifying.
Macaroni is a small tubular pasta.
Machete is a large, heavy knife used to cut underbrush or sugar cane.
Magnificent is making a splendid appearance or show.
Mahogany is a tree or a reddish-brown color.
Maim is to cripple.
Maintenance is the act of keeping things in good order.
Malaria is a disease characterized by chills or fever, caused by the bite of a mosquito.
Malice is the desire to inflict harm on someone.
Malign is to speak harmful untruths about.
Malleable is capable of being shaped by hammering or pressure.
Manacle is a shackle for the hand; handcuffs.
Mantel is a construction framing the opening of a fireplace.
Margarine is a butter-like product made from refined vegetable oils.
Marina is a boat basin offering dockage and other service for small craft.
Maroon is a dark brownish-red.
Marriage is the social institution under which a man and woman decide to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies.
Martial is inclined or disposed to war.
Martyr is a person who suffers death rather than give up religion.
Massacre is the unnecessary killing of human beings, as in a war.
Mauve is a pale bluish purple.
Mayonnaise is a thick dressing of different ingredients.
Maze is a confusing network of intercommunication paths or passages.
Meager is deficient in quantity or quality.
Mechanical is having to do with machinery.
Mediocre is of only ordinary or moderate quality.
Melancholy is a gloomy state of mind.
Memoir is a record written by a person based on personal observation.
Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term is applied to something to which it isn't literally applicable, as in a mighty fortress is our god.
Militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill.
Mirth is amusement or laughter.
Miscellaneous is of mixed character.
Mischievous is maliciously or playfully annoying.
Miscue is a mistake.
Miserable is very unhappy, uneasy or uncomfortable.
Mistletoe is a plant used in Christmas decorations.
Moccasin is a heeless shoe made entirely of soft leather.
Moderator is a person who presides over a discussion.
Modify is to alter partially, to amend.
Molasses is a thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar.
Monarch is a hereditary sovereign.
Monitor is a student appointed to assisted in the conduct of a class.
Monopoly is exclusive control of a commodity of service in a particular market.
Morale is emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence, especially in the face of hardship.
Mortgage is a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.
Mosquito is an insect that bites, some passing on certain diseases.
Mourn is to feel or express sorrow or grief.
Muscle is a tissue, the contraction of which produces movement.
Myriad is a very great or indefinitely great number.
Myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero, without a determinable basis of fact.
Naive means unsophisticated or ingenuous.
Nasal is of or pertaining to the nose.
Nausea is sickness at the stomach, especially when loathing food.
Necessary is being essential; indispensable.
Nectar is the secretion of a plant, which attracts insects or birds that pollinate the flower.
Nephew is a son of one's brother or sister.
Nestle is to lie close and snug.
Nicotine is an alkaloid found in tobacco and valued as an insecticide.
Noble is distinguished by rank or title.
Nocturnal is of or pertaining to the night.
Novice is a person who is new to something.
Nurture is to feed and protect.
Nutritious is providing nourishment, especially to a high degree.
Obelisk is a tapering, four-sided shaft of stone, with a pyramidal top.
Obese means very fat or overweight.
Obituary is the notice of the death of a person.
Obey is to follow the directions of someone.
Oblique means slanting; sloping.
Oblivious means unaware of.
Obvious is easily understood or recognizable.
Odious is hateful or detestable.
Ogle is to look at impertinently.
Omission is the act of omitting.
Opaque is not allowing light to pass through.
Operator is a person who runs a machine, apparatus or the like.
Orator is a public speaker.
Orchestra is a group of performers on various musical instruments.
Orchid is a flower of a plant of temperate and tropical regions.
Ordinance is a decree or command.
Outweigh is to exceed in value or influence.
Pact is an agreement, covenant or compact.
Pageant is an elaborate public spectacle.
Palace is the official residence of an exalted person.
Palate is the roof of the mouth.
Pantry is a room in which food is kept.
Papaya is a large, yellow, melonlike fruit.
Paprika is a red, powdery condiment.
Paraffin is a substance used in candles or to waterproof paper.
Parallel is extending in the same direction, but never converging.
Parcel is a small package, a bundle.
Parfait is a dessert of ice cream and fruit, or ice cream and syrup.
Partial means incomplete.
Particle is a tine or very small bit.
Patience is the quality of being patient.
Patio is an area of a house used for outdoor lounging, dining, etc.
Paws are the feet of an animal having claws.
Pedal is a foot-operated lever used for various things.
Peddle is to carry things from place to place for sale.
Pedestrian is a person who goes on foot.
Peek is to look or glance quickly or furtively.
Pension is a fixed amount other than a salary paid to a person.
Perceive is to become aware of.
Perceptive is having or showing keenness of insight, understanding or intuition.
Perplex is to cause to be puzzled over what is not understood.
Personnel is a body of persons employed in an organization or place or work.
Perturb is to disturb in mind; agitate.
Petite means short or diminutive.
Phantom is an apparition or specter.
Phase is a stage in a process of change or development.
Phrase is a series of words in grammatical construction and acting as a unit in a sentence.
Piccolo is a small flute sounding an octave higher than an ordinary flute.
Pickle is a cucumber that has been preserved in brine.
Piece is a separate or limited quantity of something.
Pizza is a flat, baked pie of Italian origin, with various ingredients and toppings.
Plague is an epidemic disease that causes high morality.
Plaque is a tablet or plate of metal, intended for use as an ornament.
Plateau is a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land.
Plural pertains to more than one.
Poise is composure.
Policy is a definite course of action.
Pollute is to make foul or unclear.
Populace is the common people of a nation.
Possess is to have as belonging to one; to own.
Posterior is situated behind or at the rear of.
Potency is power or authority.
Precede is to go before.
Precinct is a district marked out for governmental purposes, or police protection.
Precious is of high price or great value.