Spanish Verbs #2
Spanish-English Vocabulary. 500 Most Common Verbs starting with letters D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N and O. List and Quiz
dar to give
deber to owe, must, ought
decidir to decide
decir to say, to tell
declarar to declare
dedicarse to devote oneself
defender to defend
dejar to let, to permit, to allow, to leave
delinquir to be delinquent, to violate the law
demostrar to demonstrate, to prove
denunciar to denounce
depender to depend
derribar to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down
desayunarse to breakfast, to have breakfast
descansar to rest
describir to describe, to delineate
descubrir to discover
desear to desire, to wish, to want
desempeñar to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn
deshacer to undo, to destroy, to take apart
despedirse to take leave of, to say good-bye to
despegar to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane)
desperezarse to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs
despertarse to wake up oneself
destruir to destroy
desvestirse to undress oneself, to get undressed
detener to stop (someone or something), to detain
detenerse to stop (oneself)
devolver to return (an object), to refund, to give back
dibujar to design, to draw, to sketch
dirigir to direct
disculparse to apologize, to excuse (oneself)
discutir to discuss
dispensar to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt
distinguir to distinguish
divertirse to have a good time, to enjoy oneself
divorciarse to be (get) divorced
doler to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret
dormir to sleep
ducharse to take a shower, to shower oneself
dudar to doubt
echar to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw
ejecutar to execute, to carry out, to perform
ejercer to exercise, to practice (a professional)
elegir to elect, to select, to choose
embeber to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe
empezar to begin, to start
emplear to employ, to use
encender to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light
encerrar to enclose, to lock up, to confine
encontrar to meet, to encounter, to find
enfadarse to become angry
enfermarse to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill
enojarse to become angry, to get angry, to get cross
enseñar to teach, to show, to point out
entender to understand
entrar to enter, to go (in), to come (in)
entregar to deliver, to hand over, to give
enunciar to enunciate, to state
enviar to send
envolver to wrap up
equivocarse to be mistaken
erguir to raise, to stand up straight
errar to err, to wander, to roam, to miss
escoger to choose, to select
escribir to write
escuchar to listen (to)
esparcir to scatter, to spread
esperar to expect, to hope, to wait (for)
esquiar to ski
establecer to establish
estar to be
estimar to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value
estudiar to study
exigir to demand, to urge, to require
explicar to explain
expresar to express
fabricar to fabricate, to manufacture
faltar to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need
felicitar to congratulate, to felicitate
festejar to feast, to entertain, to celebrate
fiar to confide, to trust
fijarse to take notice, to pay attention, to settle
fingir to feign, to pretend
firmar to sign
formar to form, to shape
fregar to wash dishes, to scrub
freír to fry
fumar to smoke
funcionar to function, to run (machine)
ganar to earn, to gain, to win
gastar to spend (money), to wear out, to waste
gemir to grieve, to groan, to moan
gobernar to govern, to rule
gozar to enjoy
gritar to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out
gruñir to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak
guiar to lead, to guide
gustar to be pleasing (to), to like
haber to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)
habitar to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside
hablar to talk, to speak
hacer to do, to make
hallar to find, to discover, to locate
helar to freeze
heredar to inherit
herir to harm, to hurt, to wound
huir to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away
ignorar to be ignorant of, not to know
impedir to hinder, to impede, to prevent
importar to matter, to be important
imprimir to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind
incluir to include, to enclose
indicar to indicate, to point out
inducir to induce, to influence, to persuade
influir to influence
informarse to inform oneself, to find out
inscribir to inscribe, to record, to register
inscribirse to enroll, to register
insistir to insist, to persist
interesarse to be interested in
introducir to introduce
invitar to invite
ir to go
irse to go away
jugar to play (a game, sport)
juntar to join, to unite, to connect
jurar to swear, to take an oath
juzgar to judge
lanzar to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch
lastimarse to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret
lavar to wash
lavarse to wash oneself
leer to read
levantar to lift, to raise
levantarse to get up, to rise
limpiar to clean
limpiarse to clean oneself
llamar to call, to name
llamarse to call oneself, to be named
llegar to arrive
llenar to fill
llevar to carry (away), to take (away), to wear
llorar to weep, to cry, to whine
llover to rain
luchar to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle
maldecir to curse
manejar to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle)
mantener to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for
marcar to mark, to note, to observe
marchar to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)
marcharse to go away, to leave
matar to kill
medir to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)
mejorar to improve
mencionar to mention
mentir to lie, to tell a lie
merecer to merit, to deserve
mirar to look, to look at, to watch
mirarse to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)
mojarse to get wet, to wet oneself
montar to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)
morder to bite
morir to die
mostrar to show, to point out
mover to move, to persuade, to excite
mudarse to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move
nacer to be born
nadar to swim
navegar to navigate, to sail
necesitar to need
negar to deny
nevar to snow
obedecer to obey
observar to observe
obtener to obtain, to get
ocultarse to hide oneself
ocupar to occupy
ocurrir to occur, to happen
ofrecer to offer
oír to hear
oler to smell, to scent
olvidar to forget
oponer to oppose
ordenar to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange
organizar to organize, to arrange, to set up
osar to dare, to venture