Spanish Most Common Words
1000 Spanish words with English translation, starting with letters A, B and C. Before taking the quiz, you may edit the list and limit number of words used in quiz by clicking [Edit] button.
a to, at
abajo down, downstairs, below
el abanico | fan (to move air)
abierto open
abrazar to embrace
el abrazo | embrace, hug
el abrigo | overcoat
abrir to open
acá here
acabar to finish
la acción | action
aceptar to accept
acerca de | about
acercarse to approach
acompañar to accompany, go with
aconsejar to advise
acordarse to remember
acostarse to go to bed
actual present, current
el acuerdo | agreement
adelante ahead, forward
además moreover, besides
adentro inside
adiós goodbye
adónde where
la aduana | customs house
el aeropuerto | airport
afeitarse to shave
afuera outside
el agente | agent
agradable pleasant
agradecer to thank
el agua | water
aguantar to stand
la aguja | needle
ahora now
el aire | airport
al + infinitive | on, upon
el alcalde | mayor
la alcoba | bedroom
arriba up, above
arrojar to throw
el/la arte | art
el artículo | article
el/la artista | artist
asado roasted
el ascensor | elevator
asegurar to insure
los aseos | (pl) restroom, toilets
así thus, this way
el asiento | seat
asistir a | to attend
el asunto | matter, affair
atrás back, behind, backward
atrasado slow
atravesar to cross
atreverse to dare
aunque although
el autobús | bus
el automóvil | automobile, car
la autoridad | authority
la avenida | avenue
averiguar to ascertain, find out
el avión | airplane
avisar to inform, warn
el aviso | notice, warning
ayer yesterday
ayudar to help
el ayuntamiento | city hall, town hall
bailar to dance
el baile | dance
bajar to go down, get off
bajo low, short (stature)
el banco | bank, bench
la bandera | flag
bañarse to bathe
el baño | bath, bathroom
barato cheap, inexpensive
la barba | chin, beard
el barco | boat, ship
el barrio | district, neighborhood
bastante enough, sufficient
bastar to suffice, be enough
el baúl | trunk
beber to drink
la bebida | drink, beverage
bello beautiful
besar to kiss
el beso | kiss
la biblioteca | library
bien well
bienvenido welcome
el billete | ticket, bill (bank note)
la blusa | blouse
la boca | mouth
la boda | wedding
el boleto | ticket
la bolsa | bag, purse
el bosillo | pocket
bonito pretty
borracho drunk; drunkard
el bosque | forest, woods
botar to throw out, discard
la botella | bottle
el brazo | arm
breve brief
la broma | joke, jest
buen, bueno | good, all right
el bulto | package, bundle
el buque | ship, boat
buscar to look for
el caballero | gentleman, sir
caber to fit in, to be room for
la cabeza | head
cada each
caer to fall
la cafetería | bar with food service
la caja | box, cash register
cajero(a) cashier
el calcetín | sock
la calentura | fever
caliente warm, hot
el calor | heat, warmth
la calle | street
la cama | bed
la cámera | camera
la camarera | chambermaid, waitress
el camarero | waiter
cambiar to change, exchange
el cambio | change exchange
caminar to walk
el camino | road
el camión | truck; bus (mexico)
la camisa | shirt
la camiseta | T-shirt, undershirt
la campana | bell
el campo | country, field
la canción | song
cansado tired
cantar to sing
la capital | capital (city)
el capital | capital (money)
la cara | face
!caramba! gosh!
la cárcel | jail
el cariño | affection, love
cariñoso affectionate
caro expensive
el carro | car
la carta | letter, playing card
la cartera | wallet, purse
la carretera | highway
la casa | house, home
casado married
casarse to get married
casi almost
el caso | case, matter, thing
el castillo | castle
la casualidad | chance, coincidence
el catarro | cold (respiratory)
la catedral | cathedral
la cena | supper, dinner
cenar to eat supper (dinner)
el centro | center, business district
el cepillo | brush
cerca de | near
cerrado closed
cerrar to close
la cesta | basket
ciego blind
el cielo | sky, heaven
cierto certain, sure, true
el cine | movie theater, movies
la cinta | tape
el cinturón | belt
la cita | appointment, date
la ciudad | city, town
claro clear, light (color) of course
la clase | class, kind, type
el/la cliente | client, customer
el clima | climate
cobrar to collect, charge, cash
la cocina | kitchen
cocinar to cook
cocinero(a) cook
el coche | car, coach
coger to take, catch
la cola | line (queue), tail
el collar | necklace
la comedia | play, comedy
el comedor | dining room
comenzar to begin
comer to eat supper (dinner)
los comestibles | foods, groceries
la comida | food, meal
como as, like
cómodo comfortable
compañero(a) companion, friend
la compaña | company
comprar to buy
comprender to understand
el compromiso | engagement
con with
conducir to drive, conduct
la conferencia | conference, lecture
confuso confused
conmigo with me
conocer to know, to meet
conseguir to get, obtain
el consulado | consulate
contar to count, tell
contento content, glad
contestar to answer, reply
continuar to continue, go on
contra against
contrario contrary
la copa | (wine) glass, drink
el corazón | heart
la corbata | tie
correcto correct
el correo | mail, post office
corregir to correct
correr to run
la corrida (de toros) | bullfight
cortar to cut
cortés polite
corto short
la cosa | thing
coser to sew
la costa | coast
costar to cost
la costumbre | custome
creer to believe, think
criado(a) servant
el crimen | crime
crudo raw
la cruz | cross
cruzar to cross
el cuaderno | notebook
la cuadra | (city) block
el cuadro | picture
?cuál? which, which one?
cuando when
?cuánto? how much
el cuarto | room, quarter, fourth
cubrir to cover
la cuchara | tablespoon
la cucharita | teaspoon
el cuchillo | knife
el cuello | neck, collar
la cuenta | check, bill (restaurant)
el cuento | story, tale
el cuero | leather
el cuerpo | body
el cuidado | care
cuidarse to take care (of oneself)
el cumpleaños | birthday
cumplir to complete, fulfill
el cura | priest
el curso | course, class
la chaqueta | jacket
el cheque | check, bill (restaurant)
chico(a) boy, girl, kid
el chiste | joke, jest
chocar to collide, crash, shock
el chófer | driver