Spanish: This vs That, Here vs There
Spanish-English - This vs That masculine/feminine/neutral. Here vs There. List and Quiz.
este this one - masculine
ese that one - masculine
aquel that one over there - masculine
estos these ones - masculine
esos those ones - masculine
aquellos those ones over there - masculine
esta this one - feminine
esa that one - feminine
aquella that one over there - feminine
estas these ones - feminine
esas those ones - feminine
aquellas those ones over there - feminine
esto this one, this thing - neutral
eso that one, that thing - neutral
aquello those things over there - neutral
aquí here (right here)
acá here (somewhere around here)
ahí there (nearby, as in the same room)
allí there (relatively far away, but visible)
allá there (less precise, very distant, possibly out of sight)
acullá there (on the other side, over there, yonder; opposite)