Spanish Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner answer questions like -How?-, and -In what way?- and express how the action of a verb occurs.
abiertamente openly
alto loudly
amablemente nicely
así like this, this way
bajo quietly
bien well
bonito beautifully
cansadamente tiredly
casi almost, nearly
claramente clearly
conscientemente consciously
cuidadosamente carefully
deprisa fast, quickly
despacio slowly
difícilmente with difficulty
dulcemente sweetly
especialmente especially, particularly
estupendamente marvelously, wonderfully
fácilmente easily
felizmente happily, luckily
fuerte hard, loudly
inteligentemente intelligently
lealmente loyally
lentamente slowly
mal badly, poorly
mejor better
muy very, really
peor worse
profundamente deeply
pronto soon, fast, quickly
quietamente quietly
rápidamente fast, quickly
rápido fast, quickly
resueltamente resolutely
seriamente seriously
suavemente gently, softly
tristemente sadly
voluntariamente voluntarily