Spanish Verbs #3
Spanish-English. 500 Most Common Verbs. Starting with letters P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y and Z.
pagar to pay
parar to stop (someone or something)
pararse to stop (oneself)
parecer to seem, to appear
parecerse to resemble each other, to look alike
partir to leave, to depart, to divide, to split
pasar to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)
pasearse to take a walk, to parade
pedir to ask for, to request
pegar to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste
peinarse to comb one's hair
pensar to think
percibir to perceive
perder to lose
perdonar to pardon, to forgive, to excuse
permitir to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant
pertenecer to pertain, to appertain, to belong
pintar to paint
pintarse to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)
pisar to tread (on), to step on, to trample
placer to gratify, to humor, to please
platicar to chat, to talk over, to discuss
poder to be able, can
poner to put, to place
ponerse to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun)
poseer to possess, to own
practicar to practice
predecir to predict, to forecast, to foretell
predicar to preach
preferir to prefer
preguntar to ask, to inquire, to question
preocuparse to be concerned, to worry, to be worried
preparar to prepare
prepararse to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself
presentar to present, to display, to show, to introduce
prestar to lend
principiar to begin
probar to test, to prove, to try, to try on
probarse to try on (clothes)
proclamar to proclaim, to promulgate
producir to produce, to cause
prohibir to prohibit, to forbid
pronunciar to pronounce
proteger to protect
pulir to polish
quedarse to remain, to stay
quejarse to complain, to grumble
quemar to burn, to fire
querer to want, to wish
quitarse to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw
raer to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out
realizar to realize, to carry out, to fulfill
recibir to receive, to get
recoger to pick (up), to gather, to harvest
recomendar to recommend, to commend, to advise
reconocer to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for
recordar to remember, to recall, to remind
referir to refer, to relate
regalar to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift
regar to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle
regresar to return, to go back, to regress
reír to laugh
reírse to laugh
rellenar to refill, to fill again, to stuff
remitir to remit, to forward, to transmit
reparar to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe
repartir to distribute, to deal cards
repetir to repeat
resolver to resolve, to solve (a problem)
responder to answer, to reply, to respond
retirar to retire, to withdraw
retrasar to delay, to retard
reunirse to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather
revocar to revoke, to repeal
revolver to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down
robar to rob, to steal
rogar to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray
romper to break, to shatter, to tear
saber to know, to know how
sacar to take out, to get
sacudir to shake, to jerk, to jolt
salir to go out, to leave
saltar to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring
saludar to greet, to salute
satisfacer to satisfy
secar to dry, to wipe dry
secarse to dry oneself
seguir to follow, to pursue, to continue
señalar to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show
sentarse to sit down
sentir to feel sorry, to regret, to feel
sentirse to feel (well, ill)
separar to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart
ser to be
servir to serve
socorrer to help, to aid, to assist, to succor
sofocar to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle
soler to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of
sollozar to sob, to whimper
someter to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit
sonar to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound
soñar to dream
sonreír to smile
soplar to blow, to blow out
sorprender to surprise, to astonish
sospechar to suspect
sostener to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold
subir to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.)
subrayar to underline, to underscore, to emphasize
subscribir to subscribe, to agree with, to sign
suceder to happen
sufrir to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo
sugerir to hint, to insinuate, to suggest
sumergir to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink
suponer to suppose, to assume
suprimir to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate
surgir to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt
suspirar to sigh
tañer to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)
telefonear to telephone
telegrafiar to telegraph, to cable
temblar to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver
temer to fear, to dread
tender to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)
tener to have, to hold
tentar to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try
terminar to end, to terminate, to finish
tirar to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling
tocar to play (a musical instrument), to touch
tomar to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)
tostar to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)
trabajar to work, to labor
traducir to translate
traer to bring
tratar to try, to treat a subject
tropezar to stumble, to blunder
unir to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach
usar to use, to employ, to wear
utilizar to utilize
vaciar to empty
valer to be worth
velar to stay awake, to guard, to watch over
vencer to conquer, to overcome, to defeat
vender to sell
venir to come
ver to see
vestirse to dress oneself, to get dressed
viajar to travel
vigilar to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for
visitar to visit
vivir to live
volar to fly
volver to return, to go back
votar to vote, to vow
yacer to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave
zumbar to buzz, to hum, to flutter around
zurcir to darn, to mend