English words with definitions. List 6
Words used in Spelling Bee. Intermediate level. Words that starts with: L to P
Labyrinth is an intricate combination of paths in which it is difficult to find the exit.
Laconic is using few words, being concise.
Laggard is a lingerer; loiterer.
Lagoon is an area of shallow water separated from the sea by sandy dunes.
Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx.
Larynx is the structure in which the vocal cords are located.
Lavender is a pale bluish purple.
Legionnaire is a member of any legion.
Leprechaun is a dwarf or sprite in Ireland.
Liege is a Feudal lord entitled to allegiance or service.
Luau is a feast of Hawaiian food.
Luscious is highly pleasing to the taste or smell.
Lyre is a musical instrument of ancient Greece, harp-like.
Lymphatic is pertaining to, containing or conveying lymph.
Mace is a club-like, armor-breaking weapon, used in the Middle Ages.
Magnanimous is generous in forgiving insult or injury.
Magnify is to increase the apparent size of, as does a lens.
Malfeasance is wrongdoing by a public official.
Maneuver is a planned movement of troops or warships, etc.
Mantle is a loose, sleeveless cloak or cape.
Marquee is a projection above a theater entrance, usually containing the name of the feature at the theater.
Masquerade is a party of people wearing masks and other disguises.
Mature is complete in natural growth or development.
Maul is a heavy hammer.
Melee is a confused, hand-to-hand fight among several people.
Memento is a keepsake or souvenir.
Mercenary is working or acting merely for money or reward.
Mesquite is a spiny tree found in western North America.
Mettle is courage or fortitude.
Minuscule means very small.
Mirage is something illusory, without substance or reality.
Momentous is of great or far-reaching importance.
Monastery is a house occupied by usually monks.
Monocle is an eyeglass for one eye.
Morgue is a place in which bodies are kept.
Morphine is a narcotic used as a pain-killer or sedative.
Mosque is a Muslim temple or place of public worship.
Motif is a recurring subject, theme or idea.
Mousse is a sweetened dessert with whipped cream as a base.
Mozzarella is a mild, white, semi-soft Italian cheese.
Muenster is a white cheese made from whole milk.
Municipal is of or pertaining to a town or city or its government.
Mysterious is full of or involving mystery.
Mystique is an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit.
Naughty means disobedient or mischievous.
Neuter is gender that is neither masculine nor feminine.
Nickel is a coin of the U.S., 20 of which make a dollar.
Nickelodeon is an early motion-picture theater.
Nomenclature are names or terms comprising a set or system.
Nonchalant is coolly unconcerned, unexcited.
Nonpareil is having no equal.
Noxious is harmful or injurious to health.
Nuance is a subtle difference in meaning.
Nucleus is the core.
Nuisance is an obnoxious or annoying person.
Nuptial is of or pertaining to marriage or the ceremony.
Nylons are stockings worn by women.
Obnoxious is highly objectionable or offensive.
Obsolescent means passing out of use, as a word.
Occurrence is the action, fact or instance of happening.
Ocelot is a spotted, leopard-like cat, ranging from Texas to South America.
Ogre is a monster in fairy tales.
Onyx is black.
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine dealing with anatomy, functions and diseases of the eye.
Ordnance is cannon or artillery.
Orphan is a child who has lost both parents through death.
Oscillate is to swing or move to and fro, as a pendulum.
Overwrought is extremely excited or agitated.
Oxygen is the element constituting about one-fifth of the atmosphere.
Pacifist is a person who is opposed to war or to violence of any kind.
Palette is a board with a thumb hole, used by painters to mix colors.
Palomino is a horse with a golden coat, and a white mane and tail.
Pamphlet is a short essay, generally controversial, on some subject of contemporary interest.
Pantomime is the art of conveying things through gestures, without speech.
Papacy is the office, dignity or jurisdiction of the pope.
Parable is a short story designed to illustrate some truth.
Paralysis is a loss of movement in a body part, caused by disease or injury.
Paraphernalia is apparatus necessary for a particular activity.
Parishioner is one of the inhabitants of a parish.
Parochial is of or pertaining to a parish or parishes.
Parody is a humorous imitation of a serious piece of literature.
Parquet is a floor composed of strips or blocks of wood forming a pattern.
Partition is a division into portions or shares.
Pasture is grass used to feed livestock.
Patriarch is the male head of a family or tribal line.
Patrician is a person of noble rank; an aristocrat.
Paunchy is having a large and protruding belly.
Pause is a temporary stop or rest.
Pavilion is a building used for shelter, concerts, or exhibits.
Peak is the pointed top of a mountain.
Penchant is a strong inclination or liking for something.
Penguin is a flightless bird of the Southern Hemisphere.
Penicillin is an antibiotic of low toxicity.
Penitentiary is a prison maintained for serious offenders.
Perennial is lasting for a long time; enduring.
Periphery is the external boundary of any area.
Perjury is lying under oath.
Perseverance is doggedness, steadfastness.
Persuade is to prevail on a person to do something.
Peruse is to read through with care.
Pesticide is a chemical preparation to destroy pests.
Petition is a formally drawn request.
Phalanx is a body of troops in close array.
Phenomenon is a fact or occurrence observed or observable.
Philosopher is one who offers views on profound subjects.
Phoenix is a mythical bird able to rise from its own ashes.
Physics is the science that deals with matter, energy, motion and force.
Picturesque is visually charming or quaint.
Peace is a country's condition when not involved in war.
Pinnacle is a lofty peak.
Pinafore is a child's apron.
Pixie is a fairy or sprite, especially a mischievous one.
Placard is a paperboard sign or notice.
Placebo is a pill with no medicine but used to soothe a patient.
Plaid is any fabric woven of differently colored yarns in a cross-barred pattern.
Plight is a condition or situation especially an unfavorable one.
Plumber is a person who installs and repairs piping, fixtures, etc.
Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs with congestion.
Poignant is keenly distressing to the feelings.
Poinsettia is sometimes called the Christmas flower.
Politicize is to bring a political flavor to.
Populous means heavily populated.
Porridge is a food made of cereal, boiled to a thick consistency in water or milk.
Posse is a force armed with legal authority.
Posthumous is arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
Potpourri is any mixture of unrelated objects, subjects, etc.
Practitioner is a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation.
Prairie is a tract of grassland; a meadow.