Advanced English words with definitions. List 10
Words used in Spelling Bee. Advanced level. Words that starts with: H to O
Habiliments is clothing.
Hackamore is a simple, looped bridle for a horse.
Halcyon means calm or peaceful.
Halophyte is a plant that thrives in saline soil.
Handbreadth is a unit of linear measure.
Hartebeest is a large African antelope.
Hegemony is leadership or predominant influence by one nation.
Hematozoon is a parasitic protozoan that lives in the blood.
Herbage (erbij) nonwoody vegetation.
Hierarchy is a system of things ranked above each other.
Hieroglyphic is the pictograph type of script used by Egypt.
Hirsute is hairy or shaggy.
Histrionic is of or pertaining to actors or acting.
Hoatzin is a blue-faced bird of the Amazon forests.
Hootenanny is a social gathering featuring folk singing.
Horripilation is also known as goose flesh or goose bumps.
Howdah is a seat placed on the back of an elephant.
Hoyden is another name for a tomboy.
Hydrangea is a plant with showy flower clusters.
Hydrofluoric is of or derived from hydrofluoric acid.
Hyena is a doglike carnivore of Africa.
Hyperpyrexia is an abnormally high fever.
Hypnotize is to put into the hypnotic state.
Hypotenuse is the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.
Ichneumon (iknoomen) is also called the African mongoose.
Ichthyophagist is a person who subsists on fish.
Idiosyncrasy is a characteristic or habit peculiar to an individual, incident, or the like.
Impeccable is faultless or flawless.
Imprecise means not precise or exact.
Incise (insize) means to cut into.
Indubitable is something that can't be doubted.
Inexorable is unyielding or unalterable.
Ingurgitate is to swallow greedily.
Iniquitous is wicked, sinful.
Innuendo is an indirect intimation about a person or thing, usually of a derogatory nature.
Inscrutable is incapable of being investigated or analyzed.
Insomnolence is sleeplessness.
Intermezzo is a short musical entertainment, between the acts of a drama or opera.
Interregnum is the time between the close of reign and the beginning of the next.
Intransigent is refusing to agree or compromise.
Inveigle is to entice by flattery or artful talk.
Inveigh is to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words.
Irascible is easily provoked to anger.
Jalousie is a window made of glass slats.
Jambalaya is a dish of Creole origin.
Jocose is given to joking or jesting.
Juvenescent is being youthful; young.
Kepi is a French military cap.
Kinkajou is an arboreal animal of Central and South America.
Klaxon is a loud, electric horn.
Klieg is a powerful type of arc light once used in the movies.
Kowtow is to show servile deference.
Lacerate is to tear roughly; mangle.
Lachrymal is of or pertaining to tears.
Languid is lacking in vigor or vitality.
Layette is an outfit of clothing or bedding for a newborn baby.
Legerdemain is sleight of hand or trickery.
Licit is legal or lawful.
Limn is to represent in drawing or painting.
Locus is a place or a locality.
Loquacious is talking or tending to talk too freely.
Lucent means shining.
Lynx is a wildcat of Canada and the northern U.S.
Macaque is a monkey, characterized by cheek pouches and short tail.
Maelstrom is a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool.
Manatee is an aquatic mammal of coastal waters, with 2 front flippers and a broad, spoon-shaped tail.
Maraud is to make a raid for booty.
Marionette is a puppet manipulated from above by strings.
Marten is an animal of northern forests.
Mastiff is a large, powerful, short-haired dog.
Matriarch is the female head of a tribal or family line.
Mellifluous is sweetly or smoothly flowing.
Menace is something that threatens to cause harm or evil.
Mendacious is telling lies, especially habitually.
Meringue is a topping for pies, pastry, etc.
Mesmerize is to hypnotize.
Metamorphose is to change the form or nature of, to transform.
Meticulous is taking extreme care about tiny details.
Mezzanine is the lowest balcony in a theater.
Microcosm is a world in miniature.
Millennium is a period of 1,000 years.
Mnemonic is assisting or intended to assist the memory.
Mocha is a choice variety of coffee.
Monocoque is a type of aircraft in which the shell carries most of the stresses.
Morass is a tract or low, soft, wet ground.
Morose is gloomy or sullenly ill-humored.
Mote is a small particle, as in dust.
Mottle is a diversifying spot or blotch of color.
Mufti are civilian clothes.
Multiplicand is a number to be multiplied by another.
Munificent means one who is very generous.
Myrrh is an aromatic resinous exudation from certain plants.
Naphtha (naftha) is a colorless, volatile petroleum distillate.
Narcissism is excessive self-love; vanity.
Nascent is beginning to exist or develop.
Nebulous is hazy, vague or indistinct.
Neigh is to utter the cry of a horse; to whinny.
Nemesis is something a person can't conquer.
Newt is a brilliantly colored salamander.
Nexus is a means of connection; a tie; a link.
Niche is an ornamental recess in a wall.
Nigh means near in space, time or relation.
Nihilism is total rejection of established laws and institutions.
Nonce is the present, or immediate, occasion or purpose.
Nouveau is newly or recently created, developed, or come to prominence.
Obeisance is a bow or a curtsy.
Objurgate is to denounce vehemently; to upbraid sharply.
Obloquy is abusive language aimed at a person.
Obsequious showing servile deference; fawning on someone.
Obstreperous means unruly.
Occlude is to close, shut, or stop up.
Oleaginous means having the nature or qualities of oil.
Omniscience is infinite knowledge.
Onerous is burdensome or troublesome.
Opalesce is to exhibit a play of colors like that of the opal.
Opprobrious is outrageously disgraceful or shameful.
Ostracism is exclusion from social acceptance.
Oxymoron is a seemingly contradictory figure of speech, like cruel kindness.